Thursday, January 8, 2015

What's This Blog About Anyway?

Fair question. I'm writing this blog for me, and if anyone else happens to read it, that's great. So since it's for me, I knew I wanted a central theme that I could wander from now and then. Right now, my focus in life is on raising my kids and getting our finances in order, so I figured that would be my focus in writing. I realized that the point of all my kid raising and finance ordering is so that my husband and I can be happy and carefree when the ol' nest is empty. I've been seeing so many articles and studies about millenials who either still live at home or rely on their parents financially. What the what? No way I'm going to raise my kids just to have them linger around here! I'm not naive though, I know that we'll want to help them out when we can, which is where the financial part comes in. Having enough money for us to enjoy the finer things will be nice, too.

So who are we? Well, in this blog I'll be calling myself Kay Walker. It's a totally made-up name. The reason I'm blogging anonymously is because my kids are older. In fact, M is 14 and C is 9. And, like I said, I'm writing this blog for me, so I don't really want to censor my stories to make them less embarrassing for the kids. But it isn't fair for me to tell their stories to the world without their permission, hence the anonymity.

So like I said, I'm Kay, but not really. I've gone back and forth between teaching elementary school and being a stay at home mom for the past 14 years. Currently I'm a SAHM and couldn't be happier. When I'm not taking care of the house and finances, I like to read and work out (ok, I don't really like to work out, but I do it every day anyway).

Hubby is a software programmer for a large hotel chain, which means we get cheap rooms. Booyah! He is amazing. If I ever complain about him here, that means shit just got real, because usually we get along like gangbusters!

M is 14 and in 8th grade. She has been my life's greatest challenge, but she has forced me to become a better person. She has depression, and if you don't know how that affects parenting, stay tuned.

C is 9 and in 4th grade. She is a sweet soul who can quickly turn sour when faced with the grave injustices of being a pre-teen. I adore this kid.

Rounding out the family are our dog and cat. I love them, but they both seriously suck.

And on with the show!

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